Cutler Hammer, Div of Eaton Corp Human Machine Interface, EPRO Series
The operating temperature is the range of ambient temperature within which a power supply, or any other electrical equipment, operate in. This ranges from a minimum operating temperature, to a peak or maximum operating temperature, outside which, the power supply may fail.
a group of products which fulfill a similar need for a market segment or market as a whole.
an aspect of design which defines and prescribes the size, shape, and other physical specifications of hardware components, particularly in electronics and electronic packaging
a particular group of related products.
IP (or "Ingress Protection") ratings are defined in international standard EN 6529 (British BS EN 6529:1992, European IEC 659:1989). They are?used to define levels of sealing effectiveness of electrical enclosures against intrusion from foreign bodies?(tools, dirt etc) and moisture.