SparkFun ranks a leading manufacturer providing bits and pieces which can be used for electronics projects. They are dedicated to designing and manufacturing electronics resources and making it easy for people from the egineers to the average person to access electronic components. SparkFun provides an ever-growing extensive products with high quality and premium performance to unleash people's inner inventor.
Development Boards, Kits, Programmers
Evaluation Boards - Op AmpsEvaluation Boards - Digital to Analog Converters (DACs)Evaluation Boards - Expansion Boards, Daughter CardsEvaluation Boards - Audio AmplifiersEvaluation Boards - LED DriversAccessoriesEvaluation Boards - Embedded - Complex Logic (FPGA, CPLD)Evaluation and Demonstration Boards and KitsSoftware, ServicesEvaluation Boards - DC/DC & AC/DC (Off-Line) SMPSEvaluation Boards - SensorsEvaluation Boards - Embedded - MCU, DSPProgrammers, Emulators, and DebuggersEvaluation Boards - Linear Voltage RegulatorsHardware, Fasteners, Accessories
Maker/DIY, Educational
Addressable, SpecialtyDisplay Modules - LCD, OLED, GraphicTouch Screen OverlaysLEDs - Spacers, StandoffsInfrared, UV, Visible EmittersLamps - Incandescents, NeonsDisplay Modules - LED Character and NumericLED Indication - DiscreteLEDs - Circuit Board Indicators, Arrays, Light Bars, Bar GraphsLED Lighting - WhiteOptics - LensesInvertersDisplay Modules - LCD, OLED Character and NumericElectroluminescentLaser Diodes, ModulesDisplay Modules - LED Dot Matrix and ClusterAccessoriesLED Lighting - COBs, Engines, Modules, StripsTools
Excavators, Hooks, Picks, Probes, Tuning ToolsWire CuttersSpecialized ToolsTweezersAccessoriesScrew and Nut Drivers - SetsAssorted Tool KitsPliersCrimpers, Applicators, PressesScrew and Nut DriversWrenchesKnives, Cutting ToolsWire Strippers and AccessoriesHeat Guns, Torches, AccessoriesSockets, Socket HandlesHex, Torx KeysPunchesVisesRF/IF and RFID
RF Evaluation and Development Kits, BoardsRF AccessoriesRFID AccessoriesRF TransmittersRFID Reader ModulesRF Transceiver ICsAttenuatorsRFID Transponders, TagsRF ReceiversRFID AntennasRF AmplifiersRF Transceiver ModulesRF AntennasRFID Evaluation and Development Kits, BoardsRF Receiver, Transmitter, and Transceiver Finished UnitsPrototyping, Fabrication Products
Connectors, Interconnects
Banana and Tip Connectors - Jacks, PlugsUSB, DVI, HDMI Connectors - AdaptersBarrel - Audio ConnectorsRectangular Connectors - Headers, Receptacles, Female SocketsTerminals - Turret ConnectorsBlade Type Power ConnectorsCoaxial Connectors (RF)Terminals - Ring ConnectorsFFC, FPC (Flat Flexible) ConnectorsUSB, DVI, HDMI ConnectorsRectangular Connectors - Free Hanging, Panel MountMemory Connectors - PC Card SocketsCircular ConnectorsTerminal Blocks - Wire to BoardTerminal Blocks - Din Rail, ChannelTerminals - PC Pin, Single Post ConnectorsShunts, JumpersD-Sub, D-Shaped Connectors - Accessories - JackscrewsTerminal Blocks - AdaptersTerminals - Quick Connects, Quick Disconnect ConnectorsBanana and Tip Connectors - Binding PostsTerminals - Screw ConnectorsD-Sub ConnectorsRectangular Connectors - Headers, Male PinsMemory Connectors - PC Cards - AdaptersTerminals - PC Pin Receptacles, Socket ConnectorsTerminal Blocks - AccessoriesModular Connectors - PlugsRectangular Connectors - Arrays, Edge Type, Mezzanine (Board to Board)Terminals - AdaptersBetween Series AdaptersKeystone - InsertsPhotovoltaic (Solar Panel) ConnectorsSolid State Lighting ConnectorsContacts, Spring Loaded and PressureRectangular Connectors - HousingsTerminals - Wire Splice ConnectorsSensors, Transducers
AccessoriesSensor Cable - AssembliesOptical Sensors - PhototransistorsProximity SensorsMotion Sensors - AccelerometersFloat, Level SensorsMotion Sensors - VibrationMagnetic Sensors - Switches (Solid State)Particle, Dust SensorsUltrasonic Receivers, TransmittersOptical Sensors - Distance MeasuringTemperature Sensors - Analog and Digital OutputPosition Sensors - Angle, Linear Position MeasuringMagnets - Multi PurposeTemperature Sensors - RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector)AmplifiersSolar CellsOptical Sensors - Photo Detectors - Remote ReceiverOptical Sensors - Reflective - Analog OutputGas SensorsCurrent SensorsSpecialized SensorsOptical Sensors - PhotodiodesMagnetic Sensors - Position, Proximity, Speed (Modules)Humidity, Moisture SensorsTemperature Sensors - NTC ThermistorsMotion Sensors - OpticalOptical Sensors - Photo Detectors - CdS CellsTemperature Sensors - Thermocouple, Temperature ProbesCamera ModulesMotion Sensors - Tilt SwitchesTouch SensorsForce SensorsOptical Sensors - Ambient Light, IR, UV SensorsEncodersPressure Sensors, TransducersImage Sensors, CameraCable Assemblies
Jumper Wires, Pre-Crimped LeadsBarrel - Audio CablesUSB CablesCircular Cable AssembliesFlat Flex Cables (FFC, FPC)Power, Line Cables and Extension CordsCoaxial Cables (RF)Barrel - Power CablesVideo Cables (DVI, HDMI)Between Series Adapter CablesFlat Flex, Ribbon Jumper CablesRectangular Cable AssembliesSwitches
Motors, Solenoids, Driver Boards/Modules
Battery Products
Boxes, Enclosures, Racks
Integrated Circuits (ICs)
Interface - I/O ExpandersPMIC - Voltage Regulators - DC DC Switching RegulatorsPMIC - Power Over Ethernet (PoE) ControllersLogic - Shift RegistersLogic - Translators, Level ShiftersClock/Timing - Real Time ClocksLogic - Gates and InvertersData Acquisition - Analog to Digital Converters (ADC)PMIC - Voltage Regulators - LinearEmbedded - MicrocontrollersInterface - ControllersInterface - ModulesData Acquisition - Digital PotentiometersLinear - Amplifiers - Instrumentation, OP Amps, Buffer AmpsInterface - Analog Switches, Multiplexers, DemultiplexersPMIC - LED DriversClock/Timing - Clock Generators, PLLs, Frequency SynthesizersInterface - SpecializedInterface - CODECsClock/Timing - Programmable Timers and OscillatorsSpecialized ICsAudio Special PurposeMemoryTest and Measurement
Soldering, Desoldering, Rework Products
Power Supplies - External/Internal (Off-Board)
Static Control, ESD, Clean Room Products
Audio Products
Computer Equipment
Discrete Semiconductor Products
Crystals, Oscillators, Resonators
Labels, Signs, Barriers, Identification
Fans, Thermal Management
Potentiometers, Variable Resistors
Cables, Wires
Circuit Protection
Cables, Wires - Management
Inductors, Coils, Chokes
Embedded Computers
Industrial Automation and Controls
Memory Cards, Modules
Power Supplies - Board Mount
Optical Inspection Equipment
Tapes, Adhesives, Materials
Networking Solutions
Magnetics - Transformer, Inductor Components