Sumitomo Corporation is a leading integrated trading company with a rich history dating back to the 17th century. Founded by Masatomo Sumitomo in Kyoto, the company has evolved from a book and medicine shop to a diversified conglomerate with operations in multiple fields including finance, insurance, manufacturing, real estate, and more. Originally established as The Osaka North Harbour Company Limited in 1919, Sumitomo Corporation has expanded globally, focusing on trade and industrial segments. The company adheres to a strong business philosophy emphasizing integrity, sound management, and social contribution, which has guided its growth and sustainability efforts. Today, Sumitomo Corporation is one of the top three *s艒g艒 sh艒sha* companies in the world, listed on several Japanese stock exchanges and a constituent of the TOPIX and Nikkei 225 indices.
Cables, Wires - Management
Connectors, Interconnects
Backplane Connectors - AccessoriesBarrel - Audio ConnectorsTerminal Blocks - Interface ModulesModular Connectors - Wiring BlocksTerminals - Wire to Board ConnectorsTerminal Blocks - SpecializedCoaxial Connectors (RF)Circular ConnectorsTerminal Blocks - Wire to BoardTerminal Blocks - Headers, Plugs and SocketsTerminal Blocks - AccessoriesPluggable ConnectorsD-Sub, D-Shaped Connectors - AccessoriesTerminals - AdaptersTerminal Blocks - Accessories - Wire FerrulesDiscrete Semiconductor Products
Circuit Protection
Integrated Circuits (ICs)
Motors, Solenoids, Driver Boards/Modules
Audio Products
Hardware, Fasteners, Accessories
Soldering, Desoldering, Rework Products
Sensors, Transducers
Boxes, Enclosures, Racks
Industrial Automation and Controls