TDK Corporation is a major electronics firm headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. It was founded in 1935 with the goal of commercializing ferrite, a crucial material in electrical and magnetic goods. Passive components such as ceramic, aluminum electrolytic, and film capacitors, ferrites and inductors, high-frequency products, piezo and protection components, sensors and sensor systems, and power supplies are all part of TDK's portfolio.
Inductors, Coils, Chokes
Circuit Protection
Sensors, Transducers
AccessoriesSensor Cable - AssembliesMagnetic Sensors - Compass, Magnetic Field (Modules)Proximity SensorsMotion Sensors - AccelerometersFloat, Level SensorsOptical Sensors - Photoelectric, IndustrialMagnetic Sensors - Switches (Solid State)Ultrasonic Receivers, TransmittersTemperature Sensors - PTC ThermistorsTemperature Sensors - Analog and Digital OutputPosition Sensors - Angle, Linear Position MeasuringSolar CellsMagnetic Sensors - Linear, Compass (ICs)Motion Sensors - GyroscopesGas SensorsCurrent SensorsSpecialized SensorsMultifunctionOptical Sensors - PhotodiodesHumidity, Moisture SensorsTemperature Sensors - NTC ThermistorsMotion Sensors - IMUs (Inertial Measurement Units)Magnets - Sensor MatchedPressure Sensors, TransducersMagnetics - Transformer, Inductor Components
Power Supplies - Board Mount
Power Supplies - External/Internal (Off-Board)
RF Evaluation and Development Kits, BoardsRF AccessoriesRF Transceiver ICsRFI and EMI - Contacts, Fingerstock and GasketsRF Front End (LNA + PA)RFID AntennasRF ShieldsRF Transceiver ModulesRF AntennasRF Power Dividers/SplittersRFI and EMI - Shielding and Absorbing MaterialsBalunRF Misc ICs and ModulesRF Directional CouplerRF MultiplexersRFID, RF Access, Monitoring ICsMemory Cards, Modules
Audio Products
Connectors, Interconnects
Coaxial Connectors (RF) - AdaptersBarrel - Audio ConnectorsModular Connectors - Wiring BlocksRectangular Connectors - ContactsModular Connectors - Jacks With MagneticsTerminal Blocks - SpecializedCoaxial Connectors (RF)Terminals - Ring ConnectorsFFC, FPC (Flat Flexible) ConnectorsCircular ConnectorsTerminal Blocks - Din Rail, ChannelTerminal Blocks - Accessories - JumpersRectangular Connectors - Board In, Direct Wire to BoardTerminal Blocks - Barrier BlocksMemory Connectors - AccessoriesD-Sub ConnectorsTerminals - AccessoriesTerminal Blocks - AccessoriesSockets for ICs, TransistorsTerminal Blocks - Power DistributionTerminal Blocks - Accessories - Wire FerrulesPower Entry Connectors - Inlets, Outlets, ModulesResistors
Integrated Circuits (ICs)
PMIC - Voltage Regulators - DC DC Switching RegulatorsInterface - TelecomPMIC - PFC (Power Factor Correction)PMIC - Motor Drivers, ControllersInterface - ControllersLinear - Amplifiers - Instrumentation, OP Amps, Buffer AmpsPMIC - Voltage Regulators - Linear + SwitchingEmbedded - PLDs (Programmable Logic Device)PMIC - Gate DriversPMIC - Power Supply Controllers, MonitorsPMIC - LED DriversInterface - SpecializedLogic - Specialty LogicEmbedded - Microcontrollers - Application SpecificSpecialized ICsInterface - Drivers, Receivers, TransceiversMemoryPMIC - Power Management - SpecializedCrystals, Oscillators, Resonators
Test and Measurement
Development Boards, Kits, Programmers
Line Protection, Distribution, Backups
Motors, Solenoids, Driver Boards/Modules
Hardware, Fasteners, Accessories
Discrete Semiconductor Products
Battery Products
Cable Assemblies
Boxes, Enclosures, Racks
Labels, Signs, Barriers, Identification
Optical Inspection Equipment
Potentiometers, Variable Resistors
Tapes, Adhesives, Materials
Cables, Wires
Fans, Thermal Management
Industrial Automation and Controls
Maker/DIY, Educational
Computer Equipment