The Maximum Operating Temperature is the maximum body temperature at which the thermistor is designed to operate for extended periods of time with acceptable stability of its electrical characteristics.
the frequency with which an engineered system or component fails, expressed in failures per unit of time. It is usually denoted by the Greek letter λ (lambda) and is often used in reliability engineering.
the distance between two baselines of lines of type. The word 'leading' originates from the strips of lead hand-typesetters used to use to space out lines of text evenly. The word leading has stuck, but essentially it's a typographer's term for line spacing.
a statistical procedure for assessing data that contain counts or the numbers of occurrences of various categories or classes.
The self resonant frequency of an inductor is the frequency at which the parasitic capacitance of the inductor resonates with the ideal inductance of the inductor resulting in an extremely high impedance. At this frequency the device looks like an open circuit.
Tolerance is the percentage of error in the resistor's resistance, or how much more or less you can expect a resistor's actual measured resistance to be from its stated resistance. A gold tolerance band is 5% tolerance, silver is 10%, and no band at all would mean a 20% tolerance.