Thick Film Resistors - Through Hole Pwr Resistor 5% 750 mOhms -55Cto150C
the maximum body temperature at which the thermistor is designed to operate for extended periods of time with acceptable stability of its electrical characteristics.
Semiconductor package is a carrier / shell used to contain and cover one or more semiconductor components or integrated circuits. The material of the shell can be metal, plastic, glass or ceramic.
The resistance-change factor per degree Celsius of temperature change is called the temperature coefficient of resistance. This factor is represented by the Greek lower-case letter “alpha” (α). A positive coefficient for a material means that its resistance increases with an increase in temperature.
the distance between two baselines of lines of type. The word 'leading' originates from the strips of lead hand-typesetters used to use to space out lines of text evenly. The word leading has stuck, but essentially it's a typographer's term for line spacing.