023300 - DODGE 023300 B1U-K-200R TYPE K
The operating temperature is the range of ambient temperature within which a power supply, or any other electrical equipment, operate in. This ranges from a minimum operating temperature, to a peak or maximum operating temperature, outside which, the power supply may fail.
Semiconductor package is a carrier / shell used to contain and cover one or more semiconductor components or integrated circuits. The material of the shell can be metal, plastic, glass or ceramic.
Parts can have many statuses as they progress through the configuration, analysis, review, and approval stages.
The memory capacity is the amount of data a device can store at any given time in its memory.
Data Rate is defined as the amount of data transmitted during a specified time period over a network. It is the speed at which data is transferred from one device to another or between a peripheral device and the computer. It is generally measured in Mega bits per second(Mbps) or Mega bytes per second(MBps).