Dust Cover
a count of all of the component leads (or pins)
The current rating of a contact is defined as the current level that creates a certain temperature rise of the contact spring — usually 20°C or 30°C. Both electrical and thermal factors govern the heat created by the current.
A page on a website that allows users to communicate with the site owner. The page has fields for filling in name, address and type of comment. On most company websites, email and mailing addresses are also included; however, the contact form provides an immediate, convenient way for users to ask the company questions.
The time interval between the instant of the occurrence of a specified input condition to a system and the instant of completion of a specified operation.
A current coil is basically a coil, such as, a wire wrapped around an electrical conductor.
A coil spike suppression diode is a protection device across the contactor coil. Energizing the contactor coil creates a magnetic field that forces the solenoid arm to engage the contacts. When the contactor is turned off, the magnetic field collapses causing a back “voltage spike” that can damage the controller.