Wall Mount AC Adapters KSA-15E-051300-HA, Official Power Supply, 5.1V, 3A, USB-C Power Supply, AU, White (white carton) UCON01007
the maximum body temperature at which the thermistor is designed to operate for extended periods of time with acceptable stability of its electrical characteristics.
The rated output current is the maximum load current that a power supply can provide at a specified ambient temperature. A power supply can never provide more current that it's rated output current unless there is a fault, such as short circuit at the load.
That power available at a specified output of a device under specified conditions of operation.
Output (I/O) Connectors are for attaching external devices, such as printers, keyboards, and displays, to the server.
Load regulation is the capability to maintain a constant voltage (or current) level on the output channel of a power supply despite changes in the supply's load (such as a change in resistance value connected across the supply output).