having leads that are designed to be soldered on the side of a circuit board that the body of the component is mounted on.
a process by which the operating system makes files and directories on a storage device (such as hard drive, CD-ROM, or network share) available for users to access via the computer's file system.
The Maximum Operating Temperature is the maximum body temperature at which the thermistor is designed to operate for extended periods of time with acceptable stability of its electrical characteristics.
Any Feature, including a modified Existing Feature, that is not an Existing Feature.
the variation of output frequency of a crystal oscillator due to external conditions like temperature variation, voltage variation, output load variation, and frequency aging.
Operating frequency is the frequency at which the communications are being made with the total bandwidth occupied by the carrier signal with modulation. Usually bandwidth of the antenna will be wider than the bandwidth of the signal so that more than one center frequency the antenna can be put in to effective use.
The voltage level by which an electrical system is designated and to which certain operating characteristics of the system are related.
In general, the absolute maximum common-mode voltage is VEE-0.3V and VCC+0.3V, but for products without a protection element at the VCC side, voltages up to the absolute maximum rated supply voltage (i.e. VEE+36V) can be supplied, regardless of supply voltage.
The minimum supply voltage (V min ) is explored for sequential logic circuits by statistically simulating the impact of within-die process variations and gate-dielectric soft breakdown on data retention and hold time.
Wien Bridge Oscillator; RC Phase Shift Oscillator; Hartley Oscillator; Voltage Controlled Oscillator; Colpitts Oscillator; Clapp Oscillators; Crystal Oscillators; Armstrong Oscillator.
the amount of capacitance measured or computed across the crystal terminals on the PCB. Frequency Tolerance. Frequency tolerance refers to the allowable deviation from nominal, in parts per million (PPM), at a specific temperature, usually +25°C.
RoHS means “Restriction of Certain Hazardous Substances” in the “Hazardous Substances Directive” in electrical and electronic equipment.