Circuit Protection Kits NTC Thermistor Sensor Kit for Industrial Applications
The operating temperature is the range of ambient temperature within which a power supply, or any other electrical equipment, operate in. This ranges from a minimum operating temperature, to a peak or maximum operating temperature, outside which, the power supply may fail.
Semiconductor package is a carrier / shell used to contain and cover one or more semiconductor components or integrated circuits. The material of the shell can be metal, plastic, glass or ceramic.
the distance between two baselines of lines of type. The word 'leading' originates from the strips of lead hand-typesetters used to use to space out lines of text evenly. The word leading has stuck, but essentially it's a typographer's term for line spacing.
a group of products which fulfill a similar need for a market segment or market as a whole.
The difference between the maximum and minimum temperatures or between the highest and lowest mean temperatures during a specified time interval.
a particular group of related products.