having leads that are designed to be soldered on the side of a circuit board that the body of the component is mounted on.
a process by which the operating system makes files and directories on a storage device (such as hard drive, CD-ROM, or network share) available for users to access via the computer's file system.
the maximum body temperature at which the thermistor is designed to operate for extended periods of time with acceptable stability of its electrical characteristics.
Semiconductor package is a carrier / shell used to contain and cover one or more semiconductor components or integrated circuits. The material of the shell can be metal, plastic, glass or ceramic.
Parts can have many statuses as they progress through the configuration, analysis, review, and approval stages.
a count of all of the component leads (or pins)
The voltage level by which an electrical system is designated and to which certain operating characteristics of the system are related.
the time taken for a circuit or measuring device, when subjected to a change in input signal, to change its state by a specified fraction of its total response to that change.
An operating pressure is the amount of internal force applied to the walls of some type of pressure vessel during normal conditions.
an abstract set of operations supported by one or more endpoints.
Supply current refers to the input current to an LDO regulator at no load, which flows inside the IC in order to operate. The power consumption of an LDO regulator can be calculated as. (Input Voltage) x (Consumption current of IC itself) + (Input Voltage - Output Voltage) x (Load current)
the maximum pressure the sensor will have to measure.
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