MKP 4 1.5 UF 400 VDC 11X21X31.5
having leads that are designed to be soldered on the side of a circuit board that the body of the component is mounted on.
a process by which the operating system makes files and directories on a storage device (such as hard drive, CD-ROM, or network share) available for users to access via the computer's file system.
a substance that is a poor conductor of electricity, but an efficient supporter of electrostatic field s.
The DC Voltage ratings are the AC voltage values times 1.41 (usually rounded).
the maximum body temperature at which the thermistor is designed to operate for extended periods of time with acceptable stability of its electrical characteristics.
The operating temperature is the range of ambient temperature within which a power supply, or any other electrical equipment, operate in. This ranges from a minimum operating temperature, to a peak or maximum operating temperature, outside which, the power supply may fail.
Semiconductor package is a carrier / shell used to contain and cover one or more semiconductor components or integrated circuits. The material of the shell can be metal, plastic, glass or ceramic.
HTS (Harmonized Tariff Schedule) codes are product classification codes between 8-1 digits. The first six digits are an HS code, and the countries of import assign the subsequent digits to provide additional classification. U.S. HTS codes are 1 digits and are administered by the U.S. International Trade Commission.
the distance between two baselines of lines of type. The word 'leading' originates from the strips of lead hand-typesetters used to use to space out lines of text evenly. The word leading has stuck, but essentially it's a typographer's term for line spacing.
a group of products which fulfill a similar need for a market segment or market as a whole.
a particular group of related products.