Automotive Relays Power Relay B
The current rating of a contact is defined as the current level that creates a certain temperature rise of the contact spring — usually 20°C or 30°C. Both electrical and thermal factors govern the heat created by the current.
A page on a website that allows users to communicate with the site owner. The page has fields for filling in name, address and type of comment. On most company websites, email and mailing addresses are also included; however, the contact form provides an immediate, convenient way for users to ask the company questions.
There are 2 different types of 'coil'; one has copper on it (IUD) and the other contains hormone (Mirena IUS). Both are over 99% effective at protecting against pregnancy.
The maximum switching voltage of a relay is the maximum voltage that can be across the contacts whether the relay is open or closed. Operating a relay with high voltages present can cause arcing, and this in turn erodes the contacts and eventually degrades contact performance.
A current coil is basically a coil, such as, a wire wrapped around an electrical conductor.
Power consumption is the amount of input energy (measured in watts) required for an electrical appliance to function. This is opposed to power output which is a measure of the level of performance, of a heat pump for example.
IP (or "Ingress Protection") ratings are defined in international standard EN 6529 (British BS EN 6529:1992, European IEC 659:1989). They are?used to define levels of sealing effectiveness of electrical enclosures against intrusion from foreign bodies?(tools, dirt etc) and moisture.